Sometimes God starts talking to me about twenty things at once, or maybe that's just my own silly head having about 20 thoughts going on at once... Either way, I should just start putting them all down on paper.. Right? Right! I hope my blog finds you totally honest. Hey, that is one thing I can attest to, not to put my business out there, but I can be totally honest with myself and being honest with myself means being real with the world and someone else out there is going through the exact same thing!
My point from all that ramble-- I found myself having one of my usual "Lisa feeling sorry for herself days" yesterday.. Now my life is pretty great, but I am human, and by the grace of God, I am a woman; so emotions and the mind run a little rampid now and then! Thank goodness I have a loving Father who knows how to reel me back in, wipe my tears, and give me a great big hug, remind me to pull my big girl pants up and keep on struttin :)
I found myself getting lost in "worldly things" yesterday. Oh yes, all stemming from the devil itself: facebook :) You know what I'm talking about.. Looking at fun, exciting pictures some of my friends posted about the great fun they are having in their lives, the places they are going, the things they are doing, buying, money spending, so and so forth, you get the idea... The world loves to suck us women up in to what IT has going on, we compare ourselves to other women, the way they look, dress, act.. we even find ourselves comparing who's baby is cuter? Ha! Seriously??!! Do I need a great big career like she has, drive a fancy car? have 50 pairs of shoes? and the devil LOVES to play on that 24/7! That is his job. he will not stop until he makes you feel like what you have, what you do, and who you are is still just not quite good enough. The minute you get out of bed in the morning, he is right on your heels. The devil never wants us to be happy with what we have going on in our own lives. And for me, the devil knows how to trip me up with that from time to time. Now, don't take me the wrong way here... I don't sit around sulking wishing I could be this magic, successful, wealthy woman: I am all of that and so much more. I am just being totally honest about what some, not all, women face, reality hits. :)
And then here's God's reality:
"Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies." ~ Proverbs 31:10
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;I have to reflect on a piece from one of my books that I love {The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian} I have it listed in my suggested reading as well. She describes the model of a good wife from the Bible and I could not have said it any better myself. One of my favorite quotes that I always go back to.
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised."~ Proverbs 31:30
"It says she takes care of her home and runs it well. She knows how to buy and sell and make wise investments. She keeps herself healthy and strong and dresses attractively. She works diligently and has skills which are marketable. She is giving and conscientiously prepares for the future. She contributes to her husband's good reputation. She is strong, solid, honorable, and not afraid of growing older. She speaks wisely and kindly. She doesn't sit around doing nothing, but carefully watches what goes on in her home. Her children and her husband praise her. She doesn't rely on charm and beauty but knows that the fear of the Lord is what is most attractive. She supports her husband and still has a fruitful life of her own which speaks loudly for itself" ~ Proverbs 31 The Power of a Praying Wife- Stormie OmartianNow, not all this has to be about a "married woman" and quite frankly, it is for us, just women, married women, single women, it doesn't matter. We are women and we have a big job to do in a crazy world that trys to tell us every day what we "should" be.. and honestly, those are lies straight from hell. I had two sweet friends jump right in to my life, God sent them swarming to me with uplifting words, things I already knew, but He knew that I needed reinforcement, double encouragement, I needed to hear it and see it out loud. How amazing is He to know exactly what I need and for them to tell me exactly what God wants me to hear- the blatant honest truth of His word, His desire for me, His never ending will and blessing for my life.
It is my divine promise as a mother, something I cannot express in words, to show my child (ren) how to lead an honest, humbling, sincere life, to know all the love they will ever need comes from one Man, and one Man alone. The devil fights me with this every single day that I am alive! I see it and hear it all around me. One thing I will never forget a lady who I once worked with when I lived in Dothan once told me: She said "Lisa, as your relationship grows with God and you start to learn and see what comes from Him, you will be able to ward off and fight the devil every single time he tries to hit you with something" She could not have been more right. If I wasn't where I am today in my relationship with God, the devil would have me totally whacked!! Ha! I mean you would be surprised how the devil can use the tiniest things to trip you up, you'd be surprised how clever he is and how well he knows you and your weakest desires. The closer you walk with God, the harder the enemy will fight to tear you away from Him!!
I love this quote my girlfriend shared with me: Thank you Kari :)
"He never said we would have cake and icecream, but He did promise bread and water."
All my love in Him <3
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