Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A Letter to my Daughter

Well, here we are; somewhere between the very first, of many, major milestones and somewhere after many many months of constantly letting you go. Someone once told me that once I had children I would be in a state of constantly letting go. Sincerely true.
You are about to embark on one of many amazing adventures as a young lady; and not just any young lady, but sought out, dreamt up and molded from the hands of your Heavenly Father. I wish I could say that I had some magical guide book typed up for you, some list to check off as you walk through life dodging what will feel like rippling bullets some days and other days complete bliss.
The truth is.. I don't. I don't have anything to offer you other than this---

Take God with you Meadow, wherever you go. He will never leave you or forsake you and, trust me, the tears you will cry in this so called life have already been counted, already claimed and already set up on Gods golden shelf in heaven. He will be your greatest lover and your biggest fan.

Be kind to everyone, be patient with them. Listen to people who aren't like you and befriend the ones who think you might have it out for them. You will be made fun of, probably called a few names, talked about behind your back, your best friend will betray you and the boy you think you love will break your heart. Walk through it, learn from it, baby girl it will make you stronger, more wise than you would ever imagine. You will fight with me, you will lie to your dad, you will probably hate me and I hope you do because that means I fought hard enough to not let you drown yourself in unnecessary drama or conform to a world of hate and greed and selfishness. You will lose yourself to a period of trying to find yourself- remember what I said. Take God with you, His work is never done. The battles of elementary school, high school, college, career, marriage and motherhood are all challenging, demanding and, at the time they are taking place, will just about eat up every emotion you have.
Find strength in Gods Grace, find rest in His peace. You will run from Him and me at least once in your life. Run. Because you have been trained up from the day you were in my tummy to return to Him and He will never let anyone or anything separate you from Him.
Give more of your time and talk less. Learn to be a good judge of character; trust me, it will pay off in the long run. Sing, sing loud. Be brave and share your joy wherever you go, you will one day realize the impact of a happy fun personality and its affect on other people. Don't be greedy and don't try to act like you know everything, no one likes someone who always has to "one up" them. Be sincere and work in a job that will teach you humility. It will change the way you think and how you appreciate life and people for many years to come. Don't search for money; it won't make you happy, and the bigger the house you have won't get you any closer to Heaven. 
Pray. Pray about everything, and I mean, everything. Even when you don't want to, just say something, He's listening, I promise.

Remember there is ALWAYS two sides to every story. This has gotten me a lot farther in life and brought me even more peace. Don't listen to what "she" says about "him" or what "he" says about "her" or what "THEY" say about you-- unless you've stood in their shoes or them in yours, do not judge. Some people will assume the worst in you, let them. They haven't figured out yet who has created the best in them. 

And last but not least. Remember who you are and WHOSE you are. You are Gods child first, my daughter second. There is nothing you will do that will ever change that or cause me to love you any less than the day I first laid eyes on you. I promise to be here for you, however big or however small that you may need me. I will be your mother first and your friend second. And I will love you, support you and respect you forever and a day until God says there is no more.

Now, go there.. And go there with all your heart.. ......... 


Friday, January 1, 2016

Be Brave for your Motherhood

Let me first back up for a hot minute. Anyone that knows me knows I've somewhat been writing for a while; mostly writing about various seasons of life I'm walking through or various struggles of motherhood I am facing or even terrified about.
I know that God has been asking me to continue writing; and in this new season I feel the sun shining on, still, scary moments and struggles through motherhood and even discovering and loving myself more as His. I know there are other women out there who feel the same way and are possibly walking, well, crawling through this season as well. So, here's to motherhood, Gods Grace, and learning how to say no; enough is enough, at least for this season ;)

As I reflect on 2015 I become angry, somewhat enraged; yet thankful and joyful; rested in the stillness of small steps I've made to stick up for myself and for my family. My pastor asked us the other day in church if we would think about where we were this time in 2014 compared to where we were now. I did not like my answer. I was mad at myself, I was mad that I had let a lot of people and a lot of things keep me from being the woman God had created me to be. Let me rephrase that. I let the devil trip me up several times and right inside my own family. No more. You see; I LOVE Jesus and I yearn for Him, every day. I can be so on fire for God anywhere and anytime except in my own home. Sad right? Well, yes. And no.
Stand still ladies.
Why don't you just take a moment to stand still. What or who is stealing your joy? If you can't get down to the nitty gritty of taking care of yourself how are you going to take care of anyone else? You can't pour from an empty cup. Do you hear me? you. Can't. Pour. From. An. Empty. Cup. And I've got two little people who think I hung the moon and the stars and I want to be the best mom and woman that I can for them.
I've had some terrible moments in 2015. I've been attacked (verbally and emotionally), been accused of wrongdoing, been talked to and about like I was a dog, and just plain treated like shit. In my own home, at work and in my own family. Did I mind? Yep... Being the displacement of others insecurities and assumptions suck. But when I remember who I am, WHOS I am; I don't mind; hell, I've never been one to take much offense and let's be real; most people are idiots and speak with death and hell on their tongues because they just don't know any better.
This year I will not stand for that. You finally reach a point in your life where you've had enough; enough of everyone and everything. I'm pretty sure it's the 34/35 mark ;) I'm building mine up :)
I've spent the majority of my five years taking care of two little people, taking care of a home and working full time. That is enough stress and fatigue in its own. And if you haven't walked through that I don't need your advice, your judgements or your "opinion." We've all got them and we all walk, crawl and run differently and at different times :)
All I can really say is that I've got a long way to go and I don't have the answers or an answer. I just know where I've been, where I'm standing and where I'm headed. And if you aren't for me, then don't be with me. If you can't speak life then just don't speak and if you can't just listen then don't offer a shoulder. People will appreciate you more for what you DONT say and rather how you just be there.
I'm sure I'll continue to re-think friendships, create more boundaries and separate relationships. Only because I'm tired, so damn emotionally tired of my spiritual heart being pulled right back toward the puddle of tears I left on the floor in 2015.
So I dedicate this blog to my fellow mommies out there who have struggled, are struggling, have been at the throes of someone else's dirt and baggage and have found yourself hysterically wheaping feeling the most alone you have ever felt in your entire life. I've been there, some days I'm still there, and I promise to be brave for you, to be brave for myself, to be brave for my family even if my family doesn't look like your family. I know that with God all things are possible and all things are for the good of His Kingdom. He is my Father, my Creator, my Defender and my Healer and I will not stop until I see His beautiful face one day in Heaven ❤️❤️

All my love,