Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Political Christian Rat Race

I woke up this morning thinking about my new facebook page I want to start, or should I say praying about?
I see a lot of encouragement everyday about marriage and relationships but little encouragement for the working woman?
Don't get me wrong, I love that encouragement for my marriage, they are all awesome tools, but I want more too.

As a working mom who loves Jesus, there are daily obstacles I face and sometimes struggle with.
I was knee deep in this struggle a couple months ago praying whether or not working or staying at home with my children was doable?
Serious kudos to the stay at home moms, that is some hard work! Just being honest, but there are times when I'm about ready to pull my hair out just after a weekend. And for my working mommies, we have a tough job as well!
I talked with my pastor about my struggle and some other things I was facing. He re-assured me that if working was my way of helping my family then that's what I've got to do. You do what you've got to do right? And i love my job, I love what I do, but I'm still searching for that reward? Then Pastor told me, he reminded me that going to work everyday isn't just something I "do." I go to work to share Jesus, to be a light in a dark place. Do what? Come again? Are you sure? Not something I wanted to hear because that would mean that I would actually have to do some of Gods work at work, not me Lord!
Its hard being a light in a dark place, I can barely be a light in my own home some days, but hey, someones got to do it, and Lord you owe me about 4,653 little debbies when I get to Heaven.

So with all this said it made me think about our government, ugh, that just gave me a headache. You have people, who may or may not be christians, sitting in an executive chair. They have pressures coming down on them from left and right, trying to figure out ways to make an extra dollar, and the constant griping about another employee in their ear. Oh no, I'm not talking about my office, I'm talking about Congress. Ok maybe both.
The only action that sentence makes me want to take is to run in the complete opposite direction. I mean who wants to reason with that?
Most people are who they are and they're not going to change unless God comes down here and smacks them up side the head. It is hard to reason with selfish, unruly desires of the flesh. It is hard to be the example because then you're the outcast trying to stir up trouble, trying to make change where stiff shells don't want it.
So it starts with us, and we need to step it up, we need to step up as a people and prayerfully not let our country be handed over to the devil's hands.

We need to step it up and quickly help the woman next to us at work that is quickly spiraling down a tunnel she shouldn't be going down.

I had forgotten that the reward is there, I just didn't realize that I need to be using ALL my tools God has given me!

Happy football Saturday friends!

And remember "God IS with you WHEREVER you go"
